In life it is always accompanied with the happiness and financial well-being, you should use a mild magic and buy a talisman or amulet. Magical objects have an incredible power, because it invests a personal faith, energy and a piece of his soul.
It is important to remember especially ingredient works talisman or amulet is full confidence in the magical object. And only then the good fortune and wealth will be your irreplaceable travel companions.
Variety of talismans and amulets

A large number of different types of magical items. Amulet, money or mascot can be purchased in any store. But this amulet with their own hands will be more effective, because it will not be the energy of another person. Very often the question arises: what is better to choose, what type of object is suitable as an amulet or talisman? Then we try to magic categories:
- Generally the magic items can be attributed to clover, ancient, coins, horseshoes and figures.
- The charms or amulets, which correspond to the horoscope, are precious stones, plants, and metal objects.
- The intangible things can be attributed to prayer and the scriptures.
- For animals charm has a favorite pet, with which it is in contact with the people.
Talismans, which bring money and luck
The purchase of a new mascot, pay attention to the amulet horseshoe. It not only acts in the role of luck, but and protects the owner and his house from the trouble. Hanging a horseshoe above the entrance door, check the right position. It is necessary for the legs of the apotropaic were in the top. Then no evil or bad man will not be able to be at home.
The japanese are sure that cash, the mascot in the shape of a cat with a high leg will attract the owner of the business partners, who then grant the owner of an amulet with the money. In addition to this, the cat protects the house from misfortune and evil spirits.
The stone carnelian is the mascot of fortune and wealth. It features the ability to attract funds, the gift of wellness and good health. But, green tourmaline protects the owner from situations of stress, will return spent energy and vitality.
Talismans to attract wealth

The luck and money on their dream of almost every person. How to make an amulet to attract money with your own hands? To do this, use was clover. You need to put in fabric bag, adpropians alligavit wire of green colour. Suspension, or any object in the shape of a clover, it can act as a talisman of wealth and good fortune.
In particular attracts the monetary situation engraved with the rune on the back of the flower. Recharge the energy of cash talismans is not difficult, moreover, this ritual is suitable for all small gadgets, such as charms, coins, figurines.How to properly load the mascot to attract money?
Take the future mascot of the wealth in the palm of the hand. Try to feel the pulse of energy into matter. May not appear once, it all depends on the subject, the stone and your astrological sign.
After cash mascot recharge the batteries, you must insert it in dense matter and tie the dental floss, which is 10 braids. By iterating this procedure, you must say the future fate of the amulet. Strengthen the action which is the subject of magic can be, if you give him a name. After this case the amulet sprinkle of salt, by saying aloud the spell: "always Be near me, to protect me, my good luck charm wealth".
After the ceremony, the man must not doubt that cash amulet to live and will be constantly accompanied the luck and success to all, who will take in hand. This thing is only charge your energy, then once in other hands, the mascot will be transformed into a simple toy.
Magic amulet must be associated only with the good and positive emotions. When you select a magical object overturn to all the negativity and disorder. Then amulets to attract money and happiness for your entire life to work without interruptions.
If you have lost your charm, it's not worth getting angry. This can only mean one thing: his work is done, and you should take care of a new protection!
Cord of the amulet with their own hands
Talismans to attract money and luck, such as cables-amulets, they are made with the hands in crescent moon or full moon. The performance of the rite of committing a no-brainer. You need to buy at a special department of the new yarn of different colors and shades. Every colouring symbolizes any sign of. For example:
- the red wire — to attract the desires of power;
- green — the luxury and wealth;
- blu — adhere to all wishes;
- yellow wire — the success and happiness.
From the data wire to come out of the braid. The end result is a bracelet that fits over your left foot and is not removed. When the talisman satisfy all your desires, you need to burn, and say words of gratitude for the world. When the amulet to come out with your hands, read aloud all of his requests for money. They may consist of an increase of wages, to win in a lottery ticket, get a well paid job or inheritance.
Rich tangle
Cash good luck charm in the form of cash tangle of attract luck and housewife, and a business man. Make cash mascot with your own hands is very simple. Despite the simplicity of the action, this magical item has a great power. To create the need of any coin or money bill, which wrapped wool yarn color green. Then this thing hanging above the doors of an office or house, with the inner part. Only in this way the glomerulus possesses magical powers!
Bag with magic herbs,

Bags with herbal is also a good luck charm to attract money in the offices. Made this wonderful fascination with his hands. Take a small capacity, has bent the cinnamon, ginger, pine needles, wood and leaves of eucalyptus. All of the plants at the base of the chopped herbs, and mentally presenting financial well-being.
During the course of the rite, it is possible to read any spell, that attracts the money. After inflorescences are crushed and turn into the powder mixture, it is necessary to pour in a bag or a bag of adpropians alligavit green wire. This talisman should be kept in the office. Through the twelve months the bag to burn and produce the new.
Jack of spades
This course will help you to win any card game. For this you need to buy a new deck of cards and to enter in possession of the peak of the midwest. On the glossy side of the paper to write vivid paints coveted amount of winnings. Sew the hands in a small bag, put the paper and the black pepper. During the game, or of interest, the mascot should be with you. With this talisman, all just waiting for the luck.
For the man, who has decided to resort to force, magic talismans, and amulets, you should remember only implicit faith in magic can do miracles. Amulet, money or mascot, made with their own hands, will be a powerful, if you regularly feed not only his energy but also the natural force. Contemplate you need to connect mentally and listen OBEREG!